De Mattos, C., Fuentes, L. & Link, F. (2015). Mutations in the Latin American metrópolis: Santiago de Chile under neoliberal dynamics. En O. Nel-lo & R. Mele (Eds.), Cities in the 21st Century. Academic Visions on Urban Development. Londres: Taylor & Francis/Enel Foundation.
Satellite images have lately been used for the identification and delineation of major urban agglomerations. Such is the case of the images offered by the National Geophysical Data Center (NDGC) at the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The metropolitan area of Buenos Aires increased in brightness in the two outer rings, while the central circle showed identical maximum brightness in 1992 and 2012. If one takes for example the areas of Buenos Aires and Lima, It describes that the two metropolises have had relatively similar growth patterns over the past two decades. Occupied areas, which emit a minimum level of light, have therefore increased by 40.4 percent, and as in the case of Buenos Aires, have extended more than 25 km from the city center. Again, population growth corroborates these results, increasing by 48.4 percent from 6.4 to 9.5 million in the Lima Metropolitan Area between 1992 and 2012.