Tenemos el agrado de invitarles a la charla Urban Food Environment Research: How time, movement, and (sometimes) big data are transforming the study of food shopping in cities la cual será dictada por el académico Michael Widener (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto)
La charla será en inglés (sin traducción simultánea) el viernes 26 de agosto a las 10.00 h, en el Salón Sergio Larraín (El Comendador 1916, Providencia).
Michael J. Widener
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Transportation and Health, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto. Dr. Widener’s research is primarily focused on how health and healthy behaviours are affected by transportation systems in cities. He is active in professional academic communities, serving as a member on two TRB committees (Environmental Justice and Social and Economic Factors), and is co-chair of the Network of European Communications and Transport Activity Research (NECTAR) Cluster on Health and Social Factors.
Specialty Focus Areas: Health, access to food, transportation, urban geography, spatial analysis, agent-based modelling, parallel geocomputation, optimization modelling, and spatial statistics.