Social Inclusion and Physical Activity in Ciclovía Recreativa Programs in Latin America

Mejia-Arbelaez, C., Sarmiento, O., Mora, R., Flores M., Truffello, R., Martínez, L., Medina, C., Guaje, O., Pinzón, JD., Useche, A., Rojas-Rued, D. & Delclòs-Alió, X. (2021) Social Inclusion and Physical Activity in Ciclovía Recreativa Programs. Latin America, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 655.

Colonial Ideologies, Narratives, and Popular Perceptions of Ethno-racial Otherness in the Dynamics of Urban Exclusion: Debates and Evidence from Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina.

Ruiz-Tagle, J. & Aguilera, C. (2021) Persistent colonial ideologies, narratives, and popular perceptions of ethno-racial otherness in the changing dynamics of urban exclusion. Debates and evidence from Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina. Latin American Perspectives 48(6), 48-66.

Impact of Population Growth in the Central Coastal Zone of Chile: Factors for Estimating Tourism Carrying Capacity Based on the Case Study of One Latin American Seaside Resort

Moris, R.; Bergamini, K.; Gilabert, H.; Culagovski, R.; Zaviezo, D.; Medina, J.I.; Alarcón, A. & Ángel, P. (2021) Impact of Population Growth in the Central Coastal Zone of Chile: Factors for Estimating Tourism Carrying Capacity Based on the Case Study of One Latin American Seaside Resort. Sustainability 13(6): 3527.