Impact of Population Growth in the Central Coastal Zone of Chile: Factors for Estimating Tourism Carrying Capacity Based on the Case Study of One Latin American Seaside Resort

Moris, R.; Bergamini, K.; Gilabert, H.; Culagovski, R.; Zaviezo, D.; Medina, J.I.; Alarcón, A. & Ángel, P. (2021) Impact of Population Growth in the Central Coastal Zone of Chile: Factors for Estimating Tourism Carrying Capacity Based on the Case Study of One Latin American Seaside Resort. Sustainability 13(6): 3527.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Space: A Review of the Emerging Questions.

Honey-Rosés, J.; Anguelovski, I.; Bohigas, J.; Chireh, V.; Daher, C.; Konijnendijk, C.; Litt, J.; Mawani, V.; McCall, M.; Orellana, A.; Oscilowicz, E.; Sánchez, U.; Senbel, M.; Tan, X.; Villagomez, E.; Zapata, O. & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (2020) The impact of COVID-19 on public space: an early review of the emerging questions – design, perceptions and inequities, Cities & Health. 5:sup1, S263-S279

Santiago de Chile through the Eyes of Jane Jacobs. Analysis of the Conditions for Urban Vitality in a Latin American Metropolis.

Fuentes, L.; Miralles-Guasch, C.; Truffello, R.; Delclòs-Alió, X.; Flores, M. & Rodríguez, S. (2020) Santiago de Chile through the Eyes of Jane Jacobs. Analysis of the Conditions for Urban Vitality in a Latin American Metropolis. Land, 9(12) 498.