UC-RIL Urban Studies Collection
Through the publication of books that are the result of high-impact research and thesis, the Institute for Urban and Territorial Studies seeks to consolidate its editorial project: UC Urban Studies Collection. With this objective, since 2015 a production agreement was established with RIL Editors for the works generated in the context of IEUT academic work. This platform allows the presence of our books in bookstores, book fairs and online sales in eBook and printed versions.
Investigaciones y publicaciones:
Santiago 2030. Escenarios para la planificación estratégica
Jonathan R. Barton
/ Jürgen Kopfmüller
Revolución urbana. Estado, mercado y capital en América Latina
Carlos A. de Mattos
MetaMall. Espacio urbano y consumo en la ciudad neoliberal chilena
Liliana De Simone
Chile: del país urbano al país metropolitano
Carlos de Mattos
/ Federico Arenas
/ Rodrigo Hidalgo
Santiago de Chile: movilidad espacial y reconfiguración metropolitana
Carlos de Mattos
/ Rodrigo Hidalgo